chapter 21

A breue rehersall of the myracles of saynt Werburge after her translacion to Chestre

stanza 245

1714Also to blynde men she hath gyuen syght,
To dombe men speche right perfectly,
To deffe men their heryng pleasaunt and right,
And helth to sicke men repleit with debilite,
Delyuered prisoners from captiuite,
Passage to lame men / to mad men intelligence;
Suche myracles shewed this blessed lady,
As ye may vnderstande in her sequens.

stanza 246

1722Women with childe by her had good delyueraunce,
Virgins defended from shame and vilany;
Her seruauntes were cured from wofull greuaunce,
Marchantes and mariners delyuered from ieopardye;
Other were saued from hangyng shamfully;
A speciall comfort, succour and defence
To all carefull creatures sekyng for remedy,
By singular grace / as sayth the sequens.

stanza 247

1730No wofull person in payne and wretchednes,
Man, woman, childe / who-so-euer they be,
Comynge to the abbay with perfit mekenes,
Makyng supplicacion to this lady free,
But they departed ioyfull and merie
To theyr dwellyng-place by her beniuolence,
And for their lyuyng had all thyng necessarie,
As written is playnly in her sequens.

stanza 248

1738For whiche great myracles and signes continuall
This blessed Werburge, floure of humilite ,
Of the people is called for grace supernall
'Patrones of Chestre' / protrectrice of the countre.
Where next our sauiour and his mother Marie
She hath great honour, prayse and preeminence,
As most condigne to beare the principalite,
In witnes wherof recordeth her sequens.

stanza 249

1746This holy abbasse and lady imperiall
Hath ben president in Chestre monasterie,
Theyr trust / theyr treasure / and defence speciall
In mycle reuerence .vii. hundreth yere, trulie;
And so shall continue, by grace of god almyghty,
To the worldes ende, in hie magnificence.
To whom be honour, worship and glorie
Euer to endure / as sayth her sequens.
