Pastures /
/ the
cite to auaunce, [Bradshaw]
Na phlant Hors yn y Fflint hen. [To William Herbert]
nor Horsa’s offspring into old Flint; [To William Herbert]
Pulcre igitur ab orientalis introitu platee, paululum separatus in
latus austri qui olim fugit in terris tumultum populi, uere
uacans et uidens quam suauis est Dominus, diligenter
attendit ortum sideris
matutini, quod de uirginali talamo procedens, spiritu
et sanguine nobis oriri complacuit, precursor eiusdem
sideris, Iohannis Baptista preciosus propheticis, meritis et
predulcibus, uenerabilis nimium et preclarus. [Lucian]
Therefore John the Baptist, prophetic and
virtuous, venerable and illustrious, who once fled the tumult of
society and went into the wilderness, who watched the rise of
the morning star, seeing
how charming the Lord was, appearing from the virgin womb, who
pleased to pray for us with his spirit and his blood, is
beautifully located on the south side of the head of the street heading east. [Lucian]