- Nempe apud Nazareth
Galilee, olim saluata ab archangelo, [Lucian]
- Certainly at Nazareth in Galilee, having been greeted by the Archangel Gabriel [Lucian]
- He was fettred and brought to
the gebbet
by and by [Bradshaw]
- And lyght vpon the
immediatly; [Bradshaw]
- Vpon the sayd gebbet hanged hym agayne. [Bradshaw]
- capita sua consummantes in quattuor portis, [Lucian]
- Incipit de quattuor portis Cestrie nostre:
seriatim de Iohanne,
Petro, Virgine, et Angelo. [Lucian]
portarum positione
antiqua, [Lucian]
- Chester has
four gates
corresponding to the four winds: [Lucian]
- culminating at the four gates, [Lucian]
- Concerning the four gates of our
Chester: respectively, concerning John, Peter, the Virgin and the
Angel. [Lucian]
- with the
ancient position of the gates, [Lucian]
- et a meridiano latere receptorium nauium ab Aquitania, Hispania, Hibernia, Germania uenientium, [Lucian]
- and, in the south, a port for ships coming from Aquitaine, Spain, Ireland
and Germany, [Lucian]
- From Bardeney to
, there to be
tumulate: [Bradshaw]
Where she edified a noble
monastery, [Bradshaw]
- Sic enim teste historia Claudiocestriam appellamus, [Lucian]
- We can cite from history the example of
Gloucester [Lucian]
- trwy Wynedd, tarw o Einion, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- through Gwynedd, a bull out of Einion, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- Trwy Wynedd y trywenynt. [To William Herbert]
- Dewiniais y caud Wynedd, [To William Herbert]
- Trwy Wynedd fel taranau. [To William Herbert]
- Dy genedl, Deau a Gwynedd. [To William Herbert]
- Darnio Gwynedd a’i dyrnu. [To William Herbert]
Gwynedd fal Pedr y gwenyn.
[To William Herbert]
- Na friw Wynedd yn franar, [To William Herbert]
- Nâd trwy Wynedd
blant Ronwen
[To William Herbert]
- Dwg Forgannwg a Gwynedd, [To William Herbert]
- they thrust their way through Gwynedd, [To William Herbert]
- I foresaw you would take Gwynedd, [To William Herbert]
- through Gwynedd like thunderclaps. [To William Herbert]
- Your people, the South and Gwynedd. [To William Herbert]
- tearing Gwynedd and beating it. [To William Herbert]
- Kill not the hawks of Gwynned who make [To William Herbert]
- Do not destroy Gwynedd until its laid
waste, [To William Herbert]
- Do not allow Ronwen’s
through Gwynedd. [To William Herbert]
- take Morgannwg and Gwynedd, [To William Herbert]