Life of St. Werburge - Henry Bradshaw
Edited by Catherine A. M. Clarke
chapter 3
A litel descripcion of the foundacion of Chestre / and of the abbay-churche within the sayd cite / where ye holy shryne by grace remayneth.
stanza 65
449Certaynly, sith baptym came to
Chestre cite,since baptism
Soone after Lucius / and
kynge Arthure,before
By the grace of god and their
The faith of holy churche dyd euer there endure
Without rediciuacion and
infection / sure;relapse (into error, sin) / secure
Wherefore it is worthy a singular commendacion,worthy of a
special commendation
Aboue all the citees and townes of this region.
stanza 66
456The perfect begynnyng and fyrst foundacion
Of the monasterie within the sayd cite
Was at the same tyme by famus opinionwell-known
That baptym began within this
countre;baptism / country
The great lordes of Chestre of landes and
First edified the churche for
comfort spirituallencouragement
In honour of the apostels
Peter and Paule.apostles
stanza 67
Whiche churche was
principall to all the citie,chief
And the mouther-churche called withouten
It was their buriall
by great auctorite,burial-place / by great authority, official
To all this sayd cite / and .vii. myle
The cemiterie was large to compase it
about.enclose it all around
But what by
sufferaunce and
processe of tymeExcept that / hardship / passing
Many olde customes ben brought now to ruyne.have now been
brought to ruin
stanza 68
470In whiche mother-churche of Peter and
All holy sacramentes ministred dayly were,were administered
With great encreasement of
vertues all,increase / virtues
Continuall endurynge
more than .CCC. yere,Lasting without interruption / 300
In the britons tyme / of blodde noble
and clere,In the time of the Britons, of noble and pure
Afore the comyng of saxons to this lande,Before
Which with apostasie
all Englande.apostasy, lapse in faith / infected
stanza 69
477So after that the Angles /
/ and saxons
By fortune of batell / power and
battle, war / design
Had clerely subdued all the olde britons
And them expulsed to wales and wylde countre,expelled, exiled / wild
The faith of holy churche remayned at chestre
In the sayd churche, truely, by
singular grace alone,special
Like as the faith of Peter neuer fayled
at Rome
.Just as the faith
of Peter never failed at Rome
stanza 70
What tyme
saint Austin, the
doctour of Englande,
At the time that / teacher
Had baptized Ethelbrut, kynge of Kent,
And by relacion dyd fully vnderstandereport
That the faith of Christ most
digne and excellentnoble
In the cite of legions was truely
In the churche of the apostoles Peter and
He magnified
our lorde with thanke
speciall.praised / special gratitude
stanza 71
That season there was a noble
monasterieAt that time
xii. myles from Chestre, nominate
Bangour,12 / called
Where religious monkes
lyued vertuouslye,lived virtuously
Almost .iii. thousande / obedient
euery houre,three thousand
Without possessions / lyuyng by theyr
Vnto whiche place he sende for helpe at
To conuert the saxons (sayth venerable Bede).
stanza 72
Saynt Austin approched the cite of legions,
Where the sayd couent afore hym were
Whom he required to preche to the saxons
The faith of holy churche and baptym
To whose humble prayer / they were disobedient,
Obseruyng no
charite / yet for theyr great
pridePractising / devotion
Many of them were slayne by kyng
- 1.
- Bradshaw's reference to the three Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes is a commonplace of medieval English historiography, following Bede's narrative in the Ecclesiastical History, Book I, Ch. 15. See Colgrave and Mynors, 1969, 48-53. Back to context...
- 2.
- Saint Augustine, sent by Pope Gregory to convert the Germanic tribes living within Britain. See Bede Ecclesiastical History, Book I, Ch. 23 (Colgrave and Mynors, 1969, 68-71) and PASE. Back to context...
- 3.
- King Æthelberht of Kent (ruled c.580-616). See Bede, Ecclesiastical History, Book I, Ch. 25-6 (Colgrave and Mynors, 1969, 72-79) and PASE. Back to context...
- 4.
- See Bede, Ecclesiastical History, Book II, Ch. 2 (Colgrave and Mynors, 1969, 136-143). Back to context...
- 5.
- That is, Augustine approaches Chester where the monks of Bangor await him. Back to context...
- 6.
- Æthelfrith of Northumbria (died 616). Ruled the kingdom of Bernicia from c.593 and the kingdom of Deira from c.604, making him the first king of the area later known as Northumbria. See Bede, Ecclesiastical History, Book I, Ch. 34 (Colgrave and Mynors, 1969, 116-7) and Book II, Ch. 2 (Colgrave and Mynors, 1969, 134-143). Higden also refers to the massacre of the Bangor monks at Chester, giving the number of those killed as 2,200. See Higden, Polychronicon,Book V, Ch. X (Babington and Lumby, 1865-86, vol. 5, 420). Back to context...