- With the lyues of saintes many a noble
storie. [Bradshaw]
- uel sanctis
in amenitate celi et regno
Dei cum requie dormitantibus; [Lucian]
- set per sanctitatem uenerabilium patronorum, [Lucian]
- Intuere quales pro timore nocturno uigiles tibi Cristus apposuit, qui cardinalem
deputauit! [Lucian]
- or by saints sleeping peacefully in comfort in God's heavenly kingdom; [Lucian]
- but through the piety of venerable patrons, [Lucian]
- Understand what it means that Christ, who assigned us one principal guardian, appointed watchmen against your nightly fears! [Lucian]
ceased nat to shewe great
punysshement [Bradshaw]
- Facile cedunt socii eius, qui non est, sanctis Dei qui potens,
sapiens, bonus est. [Lucian]
- habitent in tabernaculo
eius socii eius qui non
est. Aspergatur in tabernaculo eius
sulphur [Lucian]
- et omnis
malicie auctor insidiatur, [Lucian]
- The allies of Satan easily fall to the saints of God, who is
powerful, wise and good. [Lucian]
- let the companions of him that is not,
dwell in his tabernacle, let brimstone be sprinkled in
his tent [Lucian]
- and the
author of all evil lies in wait, [Lucian]
- gwae’n wir, fo’i lleddir, diawl a’i
lladdo. [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- woe indeed, he’ll be killed, the devil
kill him. [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- To saxons and britons a place indifferent; [Bradshaw]
- Afore the comyng of saxons to this lande, [Bradshaw]
- So after that the Angles /
/ and saxons
- To conuert the saxons (sayth venerable Bede). [Bradshaw]
- Whom he required to preche to the saxons [Bradshaw]
- Of Angles and saxons within the sayd
cite, [Bradshaw]
- Euer to the saxons hauynge inwarde
hate. [Bradshaw]
- Was coronate at London / made saxons all
bonde. [Bradshaw]
- Ŵyr
â’i ffon ffinied—y Saeson [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- Meirwon fu’r Saeson wedi’u sowsio, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- dilyw ar swydd Gaer, dialedd—Saeson, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- Ŵyr Einion â’i
ffon ffinied—y Saeson, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- Einion’s
descendant, may he
punish the Saxon with his spear, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- Dead men were the Saxons after their
trouncing, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- A flood upon Chester county, Saxon vengeance, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- Einion’s descendant, may he punish
the Saxon with his spear, [To Reinallt ap Gruffudd ap Bleddyn of the Tower]
- Na ad, f’arglwydd, swydd i Sais, [To William Herbert]
- do not allow, my lord, jobs for the
English [To William Herbert]
- In great business with scottes and danes,
truly. [Bradshaw]
- Danes / norwaies / scottes / britons in euery place [Bradshaw]
- Danes / norwaies / scottes
durst nat ones loke out - [Bradshaw]
- Qui obseruat uentum non seminat et
qui considerat nubes numquam metet. Hoc in Salomone. [Lucian]
- non per industriam Salomonis, [Lucian]
Seruus sapiens dominabitur filiis stultis. [Lucian]
- He that observeth the wind, shall not
sow: and he that considereth the clouds, shall never
reap. This from Solomon. [Lucian]
- not through the diligence of Solomon, [Lucian]
a wise servant shall rule over foolish sons. [Lucian]
- quia plerumque quod nec ciuis attendit,
peregrinus appendit. [Lucian]
- At siquis alienus captat experimentum, [Lucian]
- ubi, mercium copia complacente precipue
uictualium, notus ueniat
uel ignotus, precium
porrigens, referens alimentum. [Lucian]
- because often a stranger ponders what a citizen does not even consider. [Lucian]
- But if any
foreigner tests the account, [Lucian]
- where, with an abundance of merchandise,
particularly food available, a
native or a
foreigner may come to buy provisions. [Lucian]