chapter 5

Of the notable myracles of saynt Werburge shewed in the tyme of chanons / and fyrst howe she saued Chester from distruction of walshemen.

stanza 104

723 Shortly the kynge remoued his great host,Quickly
Departed from the cite without any praye,prey, victims, spoils
And gaue in commaundement in euery cost as a commandment in every border-region
Saynt Werburge landes to meynteyne alway,to preserve always
Assigned her possessions euer after that dayMarked
With the signe of the crosse, a token euident,clear sign
In pleasyng this virgin / for drede of punysshement.

chapter 7

Howe saynt Werburgesaued Chestrefrom innumberable barbarike nacions / purposynge to distroye and spoyle the sayd cite.

stanza 109

758An other tyme innumerable barbarike nacions barbaric nations, peoples
Came to spoyle Chestre, to robbe it and distry,despoil / destroy
(Sayth the historye) from diuers regions: 1 .So the history tells / different
Harolde kyng of danes / the kynge of gotes & galwedy ,the Goths / people of Ireland
Maucolyn of Scotlande, and all theyr company,Malcolm
With baners displayed, well armed to fyght;banners
Theyr tentes rially in hoole heth were pyght. 2 Their tents were pitched splendidly at Hoole Heath

stanza 110

765They set theyr ordinaunce agaynst the towne battle formation
Vpon euery side / timorous for to se,terrifying to see
Namely at the northgate they were redy-bowne ready and prepared
By myght, police to haue entered the cite.Through force and guile
The citezens, dredyng to be in captiuite,captivity
Made intercession vnto this holy abbasse
For theyr deliueraunce in suche extreme case.dire situation

stanza 111

772 The deuout chanons sette the holy shryne
Agaynst theyr enemies at the sayd northgate,
Trustyne to Werburge to saue them from ruyne ruin
And shewe some myracle to them disconsolate.
For the citezens were of their lyues desperate,despairing for their lives
Passynge mannes mynde to escape theyr daunger To escape their danger was beyond human thought, reason
But all-only by merite of this virgin clere .But solely possible through the merit of this shining virgin

stanza 112

779As the kynges were sautynge this forsayd cite,attacking
Trustyne for a praye to haue it euery hour,Believing every hour that they would have it as their prey
One of the sayd ennemies, replet with iniquite,full of evil
Nat worshyppyng ye virgin / nor dredyng our sauiour,the
Smote this riall relique with a stone in his rancour,Struck / noble relic
Brake therof a corner, curiously wrought,Broke / carefully
Cast all to the grounde: than sorowe came vnsought.

stanza 113

786The sayd malefactour nat passynge the placeevil-doer / not moving beyond
Vexed with the deuill for his greuous offence,Afflicted / devil / grievous
Roryng and yellyng his outragious trespase,Roaring / extreme
Tore his tonge a-sonder in wodely violence,savage, maddened
Miserable exspired afore them in presence;died
Satan ceased nat to shewe great punysshementdid not desist
Vpon his soule and body / by signes euident.

stanza 114

793 These kynges considerynge this soden vengeauncesudden
Amonge them all lyght so soone and hastely,descended
Shortly remoued theyr great ordinaunce,Quickly / battle formation
Departed from the cite with theyr company;
Callyng on this virgin fast for grace and mercy,immediately
Promyttynge neuer after to retourne agaynePromising
To disquiete her seruauntes and cite, in certayne.distress / for sure

chapter 10

Howe an other woman vnlaufully wurkynge was made blynde / and by saynt Werburge restored was to her syght agayne.

stanza 126

877Within the same cite afore the abbay-gate
Dwelled a woman / which brake the commaundementwho broke
Of god and holy churche / hye sabbot-day dyd violate defiled the exalted Sabbath-day
Unlaufully wurkynge: 3 wherfore great punysshementunlawfully working
Fell vpon this woman with peynes equiualent,pains / appropriate, fitting
Sodaynly smytten / wurkynge full busely Suddenly struck / very busily
With greuous blyndnes / and mycle miserye.severe / great


Here Bradshaw refers again to his source, the 'third passionary'. See below, line 1691 and note Back to context...
Alan Thacker suggests that this episode is to be associated with 'Edward the Confessor and Harold Godwinson's conflict with Gruffudd ap Llewelyn, king of Gwynedd, in the 1050s and early 1060s'. See A.T. Thacker, Early Medieval Chester 400-1230, Lewis and Thacker, 2003, 16-33, 24, also available via British History Online Back to context...
Bradshaw alludes here to commandments eight and ten amongst the 'Ten Commandments (Exodus 20), which exhort 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy' and 'the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates'. Back to context...