Shewed for his spouses / after her
Whan euery paresshen
theyr churche went to [Bradshaw]
Whan the people sawe their power
insufficient, [Bradshaw]
The people
reioysed of that
gostly syght [Bradshaw]
Vnto her shryne
the people all went, [Bradshaw]
literatus testimonium dabit et habitator assensum. [Lucian]
Ego uero de
bonitate presumens,
Scriptor ad contribules . [Lucian]
contra aduersa omnia suis sufficiat
meritis incolas
obumbrare. [Lucian]
Cui nichil arduum uel difficile, saluam et
incolumem gloriosis precibus asseruare, et supplicem familiam
gregis sui et humilem fidem
simplicis populi . [Lucian]
Probet oculis suis habitator . [Lucian]
Qui feliciter debriatus ex fonte Dei
ueritati dicebat tu scis quia amo te
et ueritatem amoris impendens Patri Deo populum satagit custodire. [Lucian]
Hoc uere contigit et
nouit. [Lucian]
Ciuium sit
uidere et prudenter aduertat saltem
literatus habitator
Domini uocem: tu es
Petrus et super hanc
petram edificabo ecclesiam meam. [Lucian]
hoc in urbe
manentibus , [Lucian]
Vbi ueemens amor indigenarum trahit affectum, [Lucian]
strepit populus , [Lucian]
utinam perpendat et attendat saltem
literatus Cestrie
habitator , [Lucian]
Que percipit
lector, nonne perspicit
habitator ? [Lucian]
qui sufficiant et suaue ducant habitatores amplecti et
fouere [Lucian]
teneat habitator in oculis et memoria. [Lucian]
intendat Cestriae
habitator , [Lucian]
Itaque prudenter aduertat saltim inter
nos manens literatus
habitator , [Lucian]
prouincialium . [Lucian]
comunes , [Lucian]
alacres , [Lucian]
liberales , [Lucian]
facilies , [Lucian]
labiles , [Lucian]
subiectionis ac
seruitutis impatientes , [Lucian]
clementes , [Lucian]
compassibiles , [Lucian]
sanguinem fouentes , [Lucian]
parcentes , [Lucian]
dupplicitatis immunes , [Lucian]
edacitate nil
graues , [Lucian]
nescientes , [Lucian]
per usurpatum
sepe licentiam aliena mutantes , [Lucian]
carne ac pecore
diuites , [Lucian]
the learned man will offer proof and the inhabitant will give his
approval. [Lucian]
Expecting kindness from you and
your people
, [Lucian]
author addresses his
fellow Cestrians .
whose merits suffice to defend the inhabitants against all
adversaries. [Lucian]
Indeed it is not at all hard or difficult
for her to protect safe and unharmed with her glorious prayers
both her suppliant flock and
the humble faith of her simple
people . [Lucian]
inhabitant can see it with his
eyes. [Lucian]
The inhabitant knows
this really happened. [Lucian]
Let the
citizens behold, and at least may the learned inhabitant observe the voice of the
Lord: thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my
church. [Lucian]
douses city
dwellers with health and joy. [Lucian]
The fervent devotion of the inhabitants always compels
love, [Lucian]
people called, [Lucian]
Let the learned
inhabitant of Chester assess carefully [Lucian]
Surely the
inhabitant should perceive these things if
the reader can? [Lucian]
who are fitted, and count it their delight,
to cherish the inhabitants [Lucian]
inhabitant may hold in his gaze and memory. [Lucian]
the inhabitant of
Chester should notice, [Lucian]
Therefore the learned
inhabitant dwelling amongst us prudently directs
his attention [Lucian]
to compare the habits of the locals [Lucian]
Concerning the habits of the
locals . [Lucian]
sociable in
feasting , [Lucian]
lively at
table , [Lucian]
generous in
hospitality , [Lucian]
quick to
anger , [Lucian]
eloquent , [Lucian]
intolerant of
servitude or subjection , [Lucian]
kindly to the
afflicted , [Lucian]
to the poor , [Lucian]
favourable to
their kin , [Lucian]
not working
too hard , [Lucian]
free from the
gall of deceit , [Lucian]
not at all
greedy , [Lucian]
honest , [Lucian]
borrowing other people's property without leave , [Lucian]
Inhabitants of Cheshire
Howe the people of Hambury brought the shryne
to Chestre / and of the solemne receuyung of it
by all the inhabitauntes of Chesshyre . [Bradshaw]
Eiddilach oedd wŷdd
Iolo , [Elegy for a Poet killed near Chester]
Iolo’s structure was more feeble, [Elegy for a Poet killed near Chester]
Harolde kyng of danes / the kynge of gotes
, [Bradshaw]
the kynges
were sautynge this forsayd cite, [Bradshaw]
These kynges
considerynge this soden vengeaunce [Bradshaw]
Hibernus , Britto, et Anglus. [Lucian]
claues, ut ita dixerim, Hibernorum custodire suffecit. [Lucian]
Hec igitur Hibernis
receptoria, Britannis uicina, Anglorum sumministratur annona, [Lucian]
The Irish , the Welsh and the English. [Lucian]
sufficed to guard, one might say, the routes
to the Irish . [Lucian]
how often do English and Irish travellers find in the monastery sweet relief, [Lucian]
The city is
a shelter for the Irish , an day
trip for the Welsh and a
provisioner for the
English, [Lucian]
Habet eum
conclamantem, [Lucian]
The Italian
sees him making a fuss, [Lucian]