Index of persons by Æ
- Had baptized Ethelbrut, kynge of Kent, [Bradshaw]
- Whiche maried his syster, lady Elflede, [Bradshaw]
- Whiche maried his syster, lady Elflede, [Bradshaw]
- Doughter to the forsaid valiant kynge Alurede; [Bradshaw]
- This lady Elflede, duchesse of merciens, [Bradshaw]
- This lady Elflede, duchesse of merciens, [Bradshaw]
- She moued her husbande with great mekenes [Bradshaw]
- To whom lady Elflede was aunt by auncetre. [Bradshaw]
- They [Bradshaw]
- This lady Elflede of her charite [Bradshaw]
- This noble duchesse with mycle royalte [Bradshaw]
- In wiche monastery this lady was tumulate, [Bradshaw]
- O Elfleda potens / o terror virgo virorum: [Bradshaw]
- O Elfleda potens / o terror virgo virorum: [Bradshaw]
- Victrix nature, nomine digna viri. [Bradshaw]
- Te quoque splendidior fecit natura puellam, [Bradshaw]
- Tu regina potens / rexque trophea parans. [Bradshaw]
- Tu regina potens / rexque trophea parans. [Bradshaw]
- Caesare splendidior virgo virago. Vale. [Bradshaw]
- Many of them were slayne by kyng Ethelfride. [Bradshaw]
- By the kynge / and gyuen to duke Ethelrede, [Bradshaw]
- A noble man of auncetre / politicke and fortunate, [Bradshaw]
- The sayd gentilman was wyse and vertuous, [Bradshaw]
- She moued her husbande with great mekenes [Bradshaw]
- Ioyfull was the duke of the mocion gostle, [Bradshaw]
- They sende for masons vpon euery syde, [Bradshaw]
- With helpe of the duke moost principall [Bradshaw]
- First, by Ethelfride, kyng of Northumberlande, [Bradshaw]
- After the deth of her husband Ethelrede [Bradshaw]
- Of kyng Ethelstam / the great worthynes, [Bradshaw]
- Ethelstan his sonne was coronate at London [Bradshaw]
- The sayd kyng Ethelstan by power and renowne [Bradshaw]
- This noble Ethelstan was good and gracious [Bradshaw]
- Magnus Ethelstanus patrie decus orbita recti [Bradshaw]
- After Ethelstan regned Edmunde, his brothur, [Bradshaw]